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21 Apr, 2024
- Place one arm down the side of the leg and one arm reaching upwards. - Side bend and reach to the side until you feel a stretch down the side of your body. - Hold for 15 seconds as part of a maintenance or post-workout stretching routine. - Hold for 30 seconds or longer as part of a developmental stretching routine. Full online stretch guide can be found below 👇
20 Apr, 2024
1) Cable Upright Row - Muscles: Shoulders, Traps, Biceps, Forearms. - Medium to Heavy weight. - 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps. - Tip: Stand tall with chest proud. 2) Cable Frontal Raise - Muscles: Shoulders, Traps, Pecs, Serratus Anterior. - Light weight. - 2-4 sets of 6-12 reps. - Tip: Don't swing body and make sure cable doesn't catch you out! 3) Cable Bicep Curl - Muscles: Biceps and Forearms. - Light to Medium weight. - 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps. - Minimise elbow swing and keep body still. 4) Cable Tricep Pushdown - Muscles: Triceps. - Light to Medium weight. - 2-4 sets of 8-15 reps. - Tip: Can use the rope attachment so that you can split your arms to the side and burn the triceps even more!
20 Apr, 2024
Complete the following exercises as a Giant Set/Circuit: 1) Dumbbell Alternating Lunges - 20 reps (Medium to Heavy Weight) 2) Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts - 15 reps (Medium to Heavy Weight) 3) Dumbbell Lat & Front Raises - 8 reps of each (Light to Medium Weight) 4) Dumbbell Bent Over Row - 8-12 reps (Medium Weight) 5) Dumbbell Bicep Curl - 12 reps (Light to Medium Weight) 6) Dumbbell Tricep Kickback (Double Arm) - 12 reps (Light to Medium Weight) Complete 3-4 sets with 45-60 seconds Rest between sets. This can be used as full body strengthening routine 1-3 times a week.
20 Apr, 2024
1) Apley Scratch Stretch/Test This is a stretch for the shoulders and triceps. - This is also a test of shoulder mobility/flexibility, known as the Apley Scratch Test. - Draw one hand round and up your back and then bring the other hand up and round onto the top of your back, flexing at the elbow overhead. - Try to let the fingers touch if possible, if not hold the point closest to touching during the stretch. - Hold for 15 seconds as part of a maintenance or post-workout routine. - Hold for 30 seconds as part of a developmental stretching routine.
15 Apr, 2024
🟢 What is Dry Cupping? - Cupping therapy is one of the oldest and most effective methods of releasing toxins from the tissues and organs. - The therapist puts special cups on the skin to create suction. - This causes the tissue beneath the cup to be drawn up, causing increased blood flow to the treatment area. - Enhanced blood flow under the cups draws impurities and toxins away from the nearby tissues and organs towards the surface for elimination. - Cupping reduces muscle tension and can help restore range of movement. 🟢 Benefits of Cupping: - Removal of edema after injury. - Removal of stagnant blood and waste products within muscle and fascia. - Increased circulation to the muscle, fascia and skin. - Produces a stretch reflex in the muscle, fascia and connective tissue, which increases the mobility at the joint. - Promotes healing and the formation of new blood vessels. - Enhances lymphatic system. - Reduces joint and muscle pain. - Stimulates sensory nerves of skin and improves autonomic nervous system. 🟠 Potential Side Effects of Cupping: - Cupping is a low-risk therapy. The side effects will typically occur during your treatment or immediately after. - Light-headedness, dizziness, sweating or nausea may be experienced. - After treatment, the skin around the rim of the cup may become irritated and marked in a circular pattern. - Marks can last for 5-20 days, because of the process of drawing stagnant blood and new blood to the surface of the skin. - Marks are normal and the different colours indicate the level of circulation in that area. They will fade naturally over time. Dry Cupping is just an extra £5 on top off all Sports Massage treatments. Using this combined approach enables the therapist to work in two areas of the body at once (i.e. cups in one area whilst being massaged in another area).
08 Apr, 2024
Use a pair of light to medium weight dumbbells for this intense full body strength and conditioning workout! Complete 3-4 sets with 90-180 seconds between sets. Suggested rest between exercises - 30-60 seconds. Can go continuously between exercises if well conditioned. 1) Dumbbell Squat & Press (Thruster) x8 Reps 2) Dumbbell Squat Jumps x8 Reps 3) Dumbbell Lunge & Press x12 Reps, x6 Each Side. 4) Dumbbell Row & Fly x8 Reps 5) Dumbbell Calf Raise & Upright Row x12 Reps
07 Apr, 2024
- Touch the top of your back with one hand. - Place the hand of the other arm on the elbow to help push the hand down the back to increase the stretch. - Hold for 15 seconds as part of a maintenance or post-workout routine. - Hold for 30 seconds as part of a developmental stretching routine. Full online stretch guide can be found below 👇
06 Apr, 2024
1) Kettlebell Frontal Raise - 8 - 12 reps (Hands on top = HARDER, hands round handle = EASIER) 2) Kettlebell Pushout - 8 - 12 reps (Slower = Harder) 3) Kettlebell Upright Row - 10 - 15 reps 4) Kettlebell Tricep Press - 8 - 12 reps 5) Kettlebell Halo - 6 - 10 reps each direction
03 Apr, 2024
Without resting, complete 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 reps on the following five exercises: 1) Sumo Squats 2) Burpees 3) Press Ups 4) Crunch 5) Glute Bridge Once you've finished round 10 give yourself a pat on the back and a good stretch!
03 Apr, 2024
- Standing up or sitting, pull one arm across your body whilst hooking it up with the upper-part of your other arm. - Don’t let the arm drop too far below shoulder height - this is why you prop it up with the other arm. - You should feel a stretch in the shoulder as you pull the arm across your body. - Hold for 15 seconds as a maintenance or post-workout stretch. - Hold for 30 seconds or more as a developmental stretching routine. Full online stretch guide can be found here 👇
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